Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little Trip to Arkansas

The weekend before last Nick was heading to Nevada for a little golf trip with the Sutko Grant and I decided it would be a great weekend to head down to Arkansas. Angie and her family moved down there at the end of last summer and we've been wanting to make a visit, especially before we have to add a few hours to the trip when we live in Omaha. So Friday morning Grant and I took off and ended up staying 5 days (once we arrived at their house we found out it was the girls' spring break and figured why not stay as long as we can). And wow did we have a good time! :)

Spring begins to bloom just a tid bit earlier in Arkansas than it does in Kansas City so we enjoyed the beatiful white and pink budding trees, the yellow budding bushes, and the mid 70 degree weather they were having. It truly felt like May instead of mid March and Grant and I felt like we really were on our own little Spring Break vacation.

We went for plenty of walks/bike/trike rides, played in the parks, had picnics, and of course learned plenty of new things from our big cousins. The first picture is from our first day there when we went to see the beautiful new home the Nachtigals are building. We stopped at the little park in their future neighborhood and Grant was a big fan of the teeter-toter. We also had a our first experience at Chucky Cheese's...huge hit with all the kids!

We were able to spend some time at the much talked about Beaver Lake. It was a beautiful lake and we all enjoyed our time there. The girls collected sea shells While Grant collected sticks and threw rocks in the water. We played on the playground and had a great picnic. When they took a bath that night the water was dirty! The girl's taught Grant how to "look to the sky" when he is getting his hair washed...he is still talking about this and all the bubbles they had in their tub. :)

A few other tidbits...
Nick could not believe how much Grant was talking after returning from his 5 day trip (some of this I am sure is just from being around the older girls) but it sure is fun to hear him tell us about his day, his friends, what he did, or what he had for lunch. He has also become our little parrot. Last night we made cookies and when I would tell him what to do in between ingredients, he would repeat it right back (including all my "ums" and "oks"). He has also become a big fan of Baseball and I must say is getting quite good. He throws like a champ and his hand-eye coordination are coming around for hitting. We've had pretty crummy weather this past week so of course all this practice has been taking place right inside.
As far as baby #2, on my birthday we had the big ultrasound where we could find out the sex...but again we decided we would wait till this babe's big arrival to tell us that. The Dr. said the babe looked great, which we were so happy to hear. The baby's movements are getting stronger and we are now able to see the baby move just from looking at the outside of my stomach. Grant continues to stay strong with his "baby Sister" prediction...I think he may be convincing me...but we shall see. :)

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