Monday, March 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

This update is long overdue but to our defense there has been a lot going on in the Sutko household! Nick's company-Black & Veatch-has opened an office in Omaha and we recently found out they would like Nick to be in that office. So we will be moving back to Omaha and the date is set for the end of April! It's quite the bittersweet situation as we love Kansas City and the friends we have made, but with the majority of our family back in Omaha and Kearney, we think the close support system will be nice...especially with #2's arrival this summer.
So our last month has been spent figuring things out with his company, finding me a job in Omaha, working to get our house on the market...and the list continues as there seems to be so much to figure out and even more so when there are kiddos involved. I joke with Nick that it feels like we are running a business because the majority of our conversations are what needs to be done, what's happening with the move, when's this meeting or that interview, etc.

But for Grant's sake we are trying to keep the craziness as calm as can be and let him continue to enjoy his little 2 year old life...which he seems to be doing just fine. We celebrated his Birthday at the end of January, it was a little more quiet compared to last years but we all still had a great time. His biggest thing was the Birthday cake, all he wanted was the "happy cake". And he did enjoy it!

Since being 2, Grant continues to be his goof ball, strong-willed, happy self. He loves to help out and is so proud when he does. He has also become a bit more demanding when he doesn't want to leave somewhere (the park, a friend's, etc.) and when I say demanding I mean we are starting to see some tantrums thrown...we are working on this :)

I must say one minute he might be throwing a tantrum but the next he's melting our hearts. Just the other morning he woke up and Nick brought him back to our bed and he gave us both huge hugs, numerous kisses, and I got my head patted...that brought a chuckle. Then the other day when we were playing at a friend's who has a little girl who loves to push Grant's buttons (she's just 1 and thinks they are playing games or something) but for whatever reason Grant seems to think she's bothering him. So the other day when she was making loud noises at him, he told her to "hush". I've never heard him say this before (and I don't think we say it) but he said it in such a grown up manner I could not help but laugh.

He continues to LOVE cars, trucks, tractors, trains, and the newest one "neener-neener's". This involves any fire truck, police car, or ambulance because when there sirens go off that's the noise they make, makes sense right. :) He also will spot these vehicles all over town...many times impressing Nick and I because we have not even seen them yet.

We are anxiously awaiting more nice weather as Grant has absolutely loved our few days we've had it. He's crazy about the park but is just as content getting his bucket of toys out in the backyard and having the freedom and fresh air this involves. I am looking forward to what I think is going to be a very fun Spring and Summer!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Heather- I just read your post over lunch, and I must say that selfishly the news of you move bummed me out, but on the other hand I am so happy and excited for your new adventure in Nebraska. Good Luck with all the preperations that come with a move please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
