Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Weekend

The majority of our Memorial weekend was spent in Clarks, NE with the Douglas Family. Sunday was spent at Nick's aunt and uncle's-the Dexter Farm-it involved swimming, tractor rides, bug catching, fried chicken, and even a big summer storm to end the night. Let's just say Grant was in bliss the entire day-what little boy doesn't love a day at the farm and a tractor ride! Then Monday a memorial at the cemetery that recognized Nick's Grandpa Douglas, then out to Nick's other aunt and uncle's-Greg and Mary's-for some more food and fun. That day's highlight involved Grant getting to Jet Ski with Nick. The weekend was fast but relaxing and exactly how summer holiday's should be spent...with lots of family, lots of food, by some water and put those together usually entails a lot of fun!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Enjoying the Beautiful Weather

May has been gorgeous and we have been taking full advantage of it. We always love a trip to the zoo. But we have also been enjoying our swing set and the backyard. Hadley loves to take as many trips as she can around the house in the wagon and Grant continues to love to swing (and having Mommy pretend to eat his toes), this brings giggles galore. Then of course Hadley wants to play and more giggles are produced. We've even been able to get out the kiddie pool, which both kids love. We've enjoyed picnic's at the park and picnic's in the fort of the swing set.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hadley's 9 Month Update

A little late on the appointment but today we had Hadley's 9 month appointment (she actually turned 9 months on April 23rd). So our big girl did just fine and we were so happy there were no shots! As far as stats: 29 3/4in tall (97%), weighed in at 19lbs 6oz (75%), and 18 1/4in head circumference (95%). And at 9 months Hadley is pulling up on things, eager to be wherever her brother is, loving to swing, be tickled, and wrestle with her Dad and brother. She's a great little sleeper and so easy to put to bed. She likes her blankie and her knuffle bunny. Her giggle is contagious. She waves, she claps, she's working on "so big". And of course we love to pieces. :)