Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hadley's First Few Weeks

It's been three weeks since we were blessed with Hadley's presence and a pretty fun three weeks as we are getting to know Hadley's little personality. We quickly found out the first night she was in our room that she is a loud little sleeper...lots of grunts and groans. Therefore, that was Hadley's last night in our room :) We have since moved her to her room, which is helping us all get a better nights sleep. We have also learned that Hadley is much more vocal than we remember Grant. She is a good little baby but will let us know if she is not happy.

Big brother Grant is continuing to adore his sister. Giving her lots of attention in the form of kisses, rocking her swing and bouncy, and talking and playing with her. It's easy to see what we say to Hadley because I hear a lot of it said to her by Grant...He is always calling her "sweetie" and occasionally I will hear a "Miss Hadley". If she's crying, he rushes to grab a toy or her blankie or tells her so sweetly to "calm down."

As you can see from the above photo Hadley continues to be our long little girl. At her 2 week appointment she was 22 in (95%), 8 lb 8 oz (50%), and head circum. 14 1/4 in (75%). People continue to notice her long feet, toes, and fingers. Her long fingers is something I noticed right after she was born and told Nick she would be able to palm a basketball. A friend said she would be a great piano player...maybe she will be both. :)