Sunday, January 9, 2011

Holiday Highlights

Nick, Grant, and I had a wonderful holiday week. It started with our own little Christmas here in KC, then onto Omaha for a 30th birthday celebration and Christmas Eve festivities, then ended with Christmas day and a couple more relaxing days in Kearney. Grant was not really into Santa or really even the presents...and Nick and I took full advantage of this knowing it will probably be the last year. We knew regardless he would be coming back to KC with more toys than he would know what to do with. I think he had more fun playing with his cousins, seeing aunts and uncles, and getting some quality time with his did Nick and I.

So a few highlights from our fun filled days...celebrating Nick and his siblings 30th birthday with lots of family and friends, Grant's first sledding adventure (he absolutely loved this and even after a pretty good crash continued to say "no bye-bye"), waking up to a blanket of snow Christmas Eve and Grant stating "What happened?" (this was his first time he has been old enough to understand snow, he also loved eating it), a bowling outing with my family, meeting Jess's love, Riley, and of course all the quality time with family.

And our latest update on baby #2...12 weeks along, the belly is popping (this is long before I ever remember Grant popping, guess that's how it works with #2), and the heartbeat sounded strong and healthy at our last appointment.

Hope you all had a blessed holiday and looking forward to an exciting 2011!

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