Monday, November 1, 2010

The Things They Say and Do...

Grant has so many different words, comments, and actions that he is doing right now and I've been meaning to get a few of them posted. They make us laugh every time we hear them now, I can't imagine the smile they will produce to read them at a later time.

What he's saying:
-"upper"-what he tells us as his crawling and jumping all over us at 6:30 every morning and is his version of "get up".
-"two"-for a long time we only heard the number one (or his version of the number one) when all we hear is two...I guess he is gearing up to tell people how old he will be in January.
-"tee-dah"-somehow we started saying ta-dah to Grant but he can't quite seem to get that ta part of it so he always mimics back tee-dah!
-"no way"-we don't just get a simple no from Grant when we ask or want him to do things, we get a demanding no way!
-"amen"-when we say our prayers he loves to chime in with the's adorable.

What he's doing:
-Grant loves to give pounds...and following every pound is a high five. Sometimes we won't even be paying attention and we'll look down and he is standing there with his fist ready. Nick got a pound in the communion line the other Sunday...he said that he couldn't leave him hanging.
-Not only does Grant love to say amen at the end of prayers but he loves to initiate them. We started holding hands at mealtime to pray and now he wants to do this 2 or 3 times a meal. It doesn't seem right to tell him we don't need to pray again, so we go ahead and pray another prayer.
-I love winking at Grant because he will give his best effort to to do it back, which consists of multiple attempts at squeezing his eyes shut tight in hopes that he has winked back.
-If Grant is out the door prior to us getting the garage door open you can guarantee he will be jumping on for a ride. He will grab hold of the bottom of the door as it's opening and ride it up as far as he can.


Amy Bartel said...
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Amy Bartel said...

Love this post! What a great way to document his wonderful personality!