Monday, February 8, 2010

What a Day!

Well on Saturday January 23rd we celebrated the first year of Grant...and what a celebration it was! His day started with waffles with his Auntie Shay and never slowed down till he hit the pillow that night. Nick and I never would of imagined so many family members would make the trip down to KC, but wow did their presence truly make the day!
We rented out a room at our Community Center to eat some lunch and cake and then we were off to the pool. It was great to watch Grant as all the guests arrived. He would see his cousins or grandparents or friends and become so excited. He usually is quite enthusiastic to see these people but only sees 1 or 2 of these people at a time. So to keep seeing more and more faces that he recognized come through the door was quite the site.
Saying that Grant loved his cake would be an understatement. He was trying to get a swipe at it all morning, so when his chance finally came, he dug right in. He was quite the chocolaty mess! (good thing Aunt Katie suggested taking off his shirt) He ate a good amount of his cake and probably would of ate more but quickly became distracted when he saw the tractor he got for his birthday.
We spent the afternoon going down the slides, floating around the lazy river, and playing in the fountains. I don't think a smile ever left Grant's face. :) After a little nap (from I think everyone) the festivities continued at the Embassy Suites, since our families conveniently booked all their rooms at the same hotel. We all hung out and the kids played and played, ate way too much sugar, and stayed up way past Grant's bedtime.
As I was lying Grant down for the night I couldn't help but think, what a great day. I don't think we could of imagined a better first birthday...and if Grant could say more than Mama and Dada, I know he would of definitely agreed!
Soon I will be posting more pictures (as I had others take pictures for us and still need to download them).

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