The Belly (33 Weeks)
In the last month thebaby really seems to be
growing a ton, so we
thought we would put an
actual belly pic
for people to see.
We were thrown a shower by
my work, our KC friends, and
our family and friends in NE.
They were all so much fun and
we can't wait for our little one to
meet all these wonderful people.
Halloween (27 Weeks)
Nick and I went as
Juno and Paulie Bleeker.
I think Nick made a better
Paulie than I did Juno.
I think Nick made a better
Paulie than I did Juno.
You look great! Scott and I are so excited for you and Nick. Hope all is well and Congrats!
Got on the site. Great to see pics. Lookforward to seeing the baby.
Grandma Marlene
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