Grant did a great job "running" down the aisle and had a blast at the dance. He kicked off his shoes and socks and danced the night away...I do believe he was on the dance floor from the time he got to the reception till the time we took him home. We left Hadley with her Mimi and Papa and she enjoyed all the loving and cuddling she got from them.
The week of Labor Day brought the end of my maternity leave. So back to work I went, Hadley started daycare, and a new level of busy overcame our family. Oh and a whole lot of sickness-strep throat twice for me, Nick sick with something that kept him in bed for about 2 days straight, Grant a sinus infection, and a case of the stomach flu. We are currently all healthy and I am saying prayers that it stays this way for awhile.
It's hard to believe but as this month is flying by Hadley is almost 10 weeks old! We are loving her like crazy and enjoying watching her become more and more of a little person. She's smiling, talking, and just this week I think I've heard a few giggles. All three of us can't kiss her enough! She had her 2 month appointment and continues to be our tall little girl. She was 24 3/4in (97%), 11lbs 4oz (75%) and a head circum. of 15 1/4in (60%)...and I must mention she was only 6 weeks old at this appointment. :) She recently discovered her hands and seems to by dying to get a finger to suck on. And to my delight-just this week-Miss Hadley slept through the entire night!
One morning this month we headed down to Nebraska City for the Applejack festival. The weather was a little chilly and wet so we didn't do all that we were planning to. However, we did have a lot of fun at the farm we did stop at. Grant had a blast riding the "train" and horses...and Hadley enjoyed being warm and snuggled up close to Mama in her sling for a little snooze.
This month Grant has become friends with the family up the street. They have a little boy who is 4 and called Grant his "BFF". Grant jumped on board with this and wants to see his best friend everyday! Lucky for us they are great neighbors and don't mind when we walk up to play. His "best friend" really likes playing catch, hitting the ball, and playing football. So Grant's been practicing as well. I've also started to see Grant "really" thinking about a lot of things. It's so cute to see what he all takes in and comprehends. The other day Nick asked him if he wanted to go for a truck ride to run an errand. When they got home Nick said Grant had wanted to know when they were going to go to "Erin's". :)