As mentioned earlier July 23rd marked Hadley's 1st Birthday and me being horrible didn't get her in for her 1 year appointment until August 23rd. But regardless, we got her in, got her shots, and did the check. So here-for my record, more than your knowledge-are Hadley's stats: Weighing in at 21 lbs and 15 oz (65%), Height of 32 in (95%), and head circumference of 19 in (95%). So besides her stats, what else is going on with our little Hadley Girl.

She is becoming miss independent. Around 13 months Hadley started taking steps and is doing quite well getting around on her own. I always love having her little hand hold just 1 of my fingers as we stroll around...and I'm glad I enjoyed it while I did because she now wants to have nothing to do with taking a finger, but walk ALL over by herself. She is saying Mama and Dada, all done, bottle, baby, uh-oh and signing "more". She likes music and dancing, she even seems to try and sing...usually with a big proud smile across her face. She is always excited to fold her hands and saw a prayer with us at meals and usually claps when we are done. She loves to brush her teeth and if the bathroom door is left open, you are sure to find her, climbed up on the stool, toothbrush (doesn't matter whose it is) and toothpaste in hand. She climbs on everything-fireplace, beds, stairs-and is in the process of working on how to get down from all of those. She loves being outside and is always wanting to get her shoes on so we can go out...and HATES coming in. She can be a little pistol when she's not getting what she wants-crying, pulling her brother's hair-but it generally passes pretty quickly. She can now climb up the one side of our playhouse so she can get to the slide and come down on her own...and she loves it! Over and over she will do that.

But even though she's one, she continues to be adored by her dad and I, and most of the time her brother too. It's actually quite cute, in the last few weeks they are starting to play more together vs side by side. Grant generally is telling Hadley what to do and Hadley kind of just follows him around. I am sure it will only continue to get more fun to watch as they grow.